Diagnostics in practice
Diesel Büchli works with Jaltest Diagnostics
The diesel specialist of the Netherlands (and beyond) is located in Harderwijk: Diesel Büchli. In the clean and spacious workshop technicians perform maintenance and repairs on, among other things, the fuel pumps and injectors of diesel vehicles. More often, the technicians are on site at a customer to solve malfunctions of automotive or industrial (stationary) diesel engines.
Jaltest Diagnostics
For about 2 years now, Helmer Kloosterziel works at Diesel Büchli’s vehicle diagnostic center. He works in the field service, so he is mostly visiting customers to make diagnoses on site. With this he is always accompanied by his case with Jaltest Diagnostics system. The multi-brand diagnostic tool helps him in his work. “At customers I see a lot of different engine types and brands. Jaltest makes my job more easy, because I can serve them all.” Jaltest can read different engine brands, so you don’t need separate diagnostic systems for every brand. With Jaltest Diagnostics, Diesel Büchli prevents their technicians from having to take a lot of equipment with them.
Jaltest Diagnostics includes a lot of different connector plugs to fit the different connectors of the engines. “The Jaltest system tells me which plug to use, so I can easily connect to the engine.” Despite the large amount of plugs it sometimes happens that Helmer does not have the right plug with him. “When that happens I have to use the multi-pin kit.” The Jaltest software has instructions and diagrams available to show you how to ‘create the correct plug’ with the different pins. “That’s always a nice challenge: not having the right plug, but be able to connect to the system anyways and perform your diagnosis.”
User-friendly diagnostic tool
Next to Jaltest Diagnostics, Diesel Büchli also has other diagnostic tools of the engine brands the company supplies. Helmer: “I find the Jaltest system more clear, especially because I can use it in Dutch.” The user-friendly layout of the Jaltest system also makes it easy to work with. “Especially when you use it regularly. You can easily find everything you want to know and don’t have to search for information. You don’t need an introduction course either; you will learn by doing it.”
Emission technology
Next to diagnosing and troubleshooting diesel engines, Diesel Büchli also uses Jaltest Diagnostics for maintenance diagnostics or error messages of emission technology. Helmer: “I also use Jaltest when there are problems or malfunctions with particulate filters. For example, I perform a regeneration and when it is not completed I can read the temperature with Jaltest and see what is going on.” Often a filter has to be cleaned. The cleaned filter is then reregistered in the vehicle with Jaltest, so the vehicle ‘knows” that the filter is clean again.